I came across a site that I thought I should tell you about. It doesn't happen very much in this industry that a tool comes along that is so different and so cool that you just know that everyone and their sister will be using and joining this site.
If you have a website, and you do not use this tool, people may not respond as good as they once did.
This tool is that revolutionary and so easy for the novice to use to drastically change the appearance of any website almost effortlessly and instantly.
In a hurry?
Just imagine 500 visitors come to your site.
What used to happen with those visitors. How many people actually stuck on your site long enough to purchase?
Most people leave a webpage within the first 7 seconds. You have that long to grab their attention.
Thats why you see all these videos at the top of salesletters now a days. They want to grab your attention and make it easier to keep you there and move to their call of action.
Maybe they just want you to opt in to their newsletter. Maybe, they want you to buy their product.
It really does not matter, because if they have not grabbed your attention enough, it is likely you will click away from their site, never to return.
The same happens on your site.
What are you going to do about it?
Well that is what this email is about. There is something you can do about it, and the name pretty much says it all.
There are 4 different membership levels available for this, but I HIGHLY recommend the gold membership, as there is no limitations to what you can do with it.
You can build complete flash minisites complete with promo tools if you have an affiliate program. This site will likely be one of the biggest successes of 2008 and will have members flocking to if for years.
Don't take my word for it.
You will definitely have a membership at this site at one point, so why delay the inevitable and join right now?
Joshua Goines
PS. They have the coolest video promo tools and a kick butt affiliate program too.